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As an experienced media and communications expert, Eileen Winnick, not only helps clients improve their game and win, but understands how to continually win in any public venue. Her array of experience in business, performance, and media offers clients’ techniques that access their unique voice and result in a more comfortable and confident public presence. Individuals learn how to elevate their communication skills, negotiate more effectively, embrace their individual style, and develop personal persuasiveness.
Experts turn to Eileen to develop winning media interviews in traditional media (taped, live, in-studio, satellite remote) and social media (news releases, blogs, podcasts, and viral marketing). Her clients include celebrities, Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners, professional athletes, fashion leaders, political candidates, editors-in-chief, and best-selling authors in search of nailing their message in the media, in presentations, and in key-note addresses. Her high-profile clients appear in the news, in magazines, and are all over TV and radio. See them on OPRAH, The Today Show, Meet the Press, CNN, The View, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose, C-Span, Bloomberg, FOX News, MSNBC, HSN, and QVC.
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